Manual preview of fonts
Last time I mentioned that it took nearly four months to systematically establish the visual balance of fonts. Now the theory is still slightly inadequate for formal fonts, but it works well for simple creative fonts. It took two weeks to completely rebuild this version of Zhensuti. As for expanding an idea into a Chinese font, such time cost is barely acceptable. Probably few people on ZCOOL would like to read the font balance theory written like a math book, so I’ll just post some pictures to show the specific effects. The font is open source and free for commercial use, feel free to use it.
YuFanZhenSu(余繁真素体)-Chinese fonts generated by dynamic character composition technology
YuFanXiLiu (余繁细柳体) a Chinese font generated by dynamic font composition technology.
YuFanDanQingSong (余繁丹青宋) – Open-source and free for commercial use
Download Link
**Click Here To Download**-
Slidechunfeng-Regular-Free download of commercial Chinese fonts
FontquanXinYiGuanHeiTi Regular – Chinese font authorized by enterprise for free
Slidexiaxing-Regular-free genuine Chinese font download
YuFanZhenSu V.2(余繁真素体)
Free commercial Chinese fonts launched by Alibaba Group ( AlimamaShuHeiTi-阿里妈妈数黑体 )
YuFanXiLiu (余繁细柳体) a Chinese font generated by dynamic font composition technology.
A GUA Standard rounded font-Free commercial use forever! English font download
MisekiBitmap – Free commercial fonts
HuXiaoBo_KuHei – zcool Kuhei Font
AlimamaDongFangDaKai – Great free Chinese font download