Manual preview of fonts
AlimamaShuHeiTi-阿里妈妈数黑体 is in boldface, GB2312 standard title word, 6767 full-form Chinese characters, 52 English upper and lower case, 206 common punctuation marks, a total of 7025 characters.
AlimamaShuHeiTi-阿里妈妈数黑体 is a simplified Chinese character library, including but not limited to GB2312, a total of 6767 Chinese characters; a total of 52 English uppercase and lowercase characters; a total of 206 commonly used punctuation marks, a total of 7025 characters.
Design description: Alimama’s bold font is full and upright, with a modern rhythm in cloth and white, and the writing is thick and concise; the lines between the words reveal a pioneering, avant-garde and fashionable visual experience. It is suitable for e-commerce, advertising, brand image, promotion materials and other scenarios.
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