YuFanDanQingSong (余繁丹青宋) – Open-source and free for commercial use

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This is an experimental font, intended to demonstrate the capabilities of fully programmatically generated fonts. As such, some imperfections have been left uncorrected post-generation, resulting in a somewhat rough appearance that falls short of the finesse achieved through meticulous manual crafting. At present, it can be considered a work in progress, promising potential for future improvements but not yet comparable to handcrafted fonts. The project is open-sourced on GitHub, and anyone interested is welcome to explore it further. The Western characters and symbols used in this font are sourced from Source Songti. Commercial use is also permissible.

Other fonts of the author

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YuFanDanQingSong – Open-source and free for commercial use

YuFanDanQingSong (余繁丹青宋) - Open-source and free for commercial use

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