YuFanZhenSu(余繁真素体)-Chinese fonts generated by dynamic character composition technology

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YuFanZhenSu(余繁真素体)-Chinese fonts generated by dynamic character composition technology

Contact the author:

GitHub – chilingg/yufanzhensu: 余繁真素体,由动态组字技术生成的中文字体

After the phased completion of the dynamic character composition project, the experimental fonts have to be put to the test, no matter how good or bad they are. Font design does not have a systematic theory, and it is full of the unique sense of art creation. It is not easy to summarize these steps into specific algorithms. The road is long and arduous, let me take it slowly.

The author’s other Chinese font works:

YuFanZhenSu V.2(余繁真素体)

YuFanZhenSu(余繁真素体)-Chinese fonts generated by dynamic character composition technology

YuFanXinYu(余繁新语体)-Semi-automatic component combination Chinese character font -Free commercial Chinese fonts

YuFanXiLiu (余繁细柳体) a Chinese font generated by dynamic font composition technology.

YuFanDanQingSong (余繁丹青宋) – Open-source and free for commercial use

YuFanZhenSu(余繁真素体)-Chinese fonts generated by dynamic character composition technology


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