Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Nie Zi Mian Bao Shou Zhi Ti
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
Font Format: .ttf
This is a bread shaped like the font style, he seems to be not very good to eat? Use your imagination it!
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Meng na Da hei(COYuenHKS-XboldOutline) Font – Simplified Chinese
Beautiful flower art Font-Simplified Chinese
Chao yan ze Kong die yuan Font-Traditional Chinese
The cute cookie Font-Simplified Chinese
Clouds fly Font-Simplified Chinese
Zao Zi Gong Fang Elegant Chinese Font(Normal Font) -Simplified Chinese
New Tang ren zhuan ti Font-Traditional Chinese
Ye Gen You Sacred monument Font-Simplified Chinese
Great Wall Zhong Li ti Font-Traditional Chinese
The style of the ancient Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese
This is cute! Can it be used for business use?
How about the license for commercial use without embedding the font inside the application?
It is not allowed to be used in any commercial environment without payment.