Font Chinese name :方正行楷繁体
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t support
Traditional Chinese : support
Download Link
Fang zheng Jing lei Font
Fang zheng Gu li Font-Simplified Chinese
Fang zheng Xi yuan Font-Traditional Chinese
Fang zheng amber Font-Simplified Chinese
Fang zheng Bei wei Kai shu Font-Traditional Chinese
Fang zheng Bao song Font-Traditional Chinese
Fang zheng Li shu Font-Traditional Chinese
Fang zheng Mei hei Font-Traditional Chinese
Fang zheng Xiang li Font-Traditional Chinese
Fang zheng Cu huo yi Font-Simplified Chinese
Dear All,
how to download, i can not download it.
the font i chose i cant download it.
Please click on the download button (download now), to another page and then click the “get it now”
Thanks for your support
I can only use it on some Chinese traditional characters but not all.
For example when I typed “ 我們”, the “們” character somehow isn’t applicable with your font.
Sorry, this font is incomplete.