Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Lian Wen Zi
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
Font Format: .ttf
This is one comes from the Japanese style of Chinese fonts, he is a traditional Chinese version.
Download Link
Ye GenYou Mao bi Xing shu Font-Simplified Chinese
Great Wall Mei hei ti Font-Simplified Chinese
ZauriSans H Bold Figure Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
Zao Zi Gong Fang Elegant Chinese Font(Normal Font) -Simplified Chinese
Font housekeeper children handwritten style Font-Simplified Chinese
Han dan Guo ling xia ling zhi ti Font-Simplified Chinese
Lovely girl Font-Simplified Chinese
Classic flower butterfly printing design Font-Simplified Chinese
Zao zi Gong fang Simsun(non-commercial) conventional Font-Traditional Chinese
Sun – Gypsophila paniculata(Figure of love) Cute Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
the file is corrupt. extracted it and all i get are black squares
The code problem happened! Your system cannot support Chinese fonts?
The font isn’t working I install it and try on LibreOffice writer but not changing!!
Font may have a compatibility problem, please use the old windows XP.