Font Chinese name :蒙纳简正线
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : support
Traditional Chinese : Don’t support
Download Link
Chasing The Waves Creative Bold Semi-Cursive Script Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Hua Shi Ti Handwriting Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
Fashion ghosts Font – Simplified Chinese
Take off&Good luck Qian ying Font-Simplified Chinese
Zao Zi Gong Fang(Prohibition of commercial use) Strong Bold Elegant Chinese Font -Simplified Chinese Fonts
Zao Zi Gong Fang (Make Font) Graceful Bearing Bold Figure Chinese Font -Simplified Chinese Fonts
Take off&Good luck Smart W3 Bold Figure Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Da Liang font library-Simplified Chinese-Traditional Chinese
Take off&Good luck Cute cartoon Font-Traditional Chinese
Great Wall Xi Yuan ti Font-Traditional Chinese
Hi there,
We’d like to use the fonts on an official website. Can we check if it is free for commercial usage or it is chargeable? If it is chargeable, can you please give us a quote?
Thank you!
Most of them are not commercially available!
I’ll give you a description of the font that allows for commercial use.
The purchase of fonts requires your own connection.