Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Han Yi Yuan Long Hei – 35 Jian
Chinese character name : 汉仪元隆黑-35简
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Support
Traditional Chinese : Don’t Support
Font Format: .ttf
Han Yi font license agreement
(Personal non-commercial use)
1. The licensee may install the licensed font in the form of a target program in a computer used by the licensee’s personal use, and the number of copies installed is not limited;
2. Licensee may call in the local computer environment used in its place of business to display any font in the licensed font in the form of a target program;
3. Licensee may print the font in the licensed font for the purpose of research, study or appreciation or copy the font in the licensed font into a portable document and display the font to a third party for the purpose of research, study or appreciation ; However, Licensee may not use the Licensed Entity or any of its fonts for use in Licensee’s business activities, including but not limited to: the sale of the Han Chinese font; Third party business products; not in the Han Yi font in the font or word for business name, trade names, trademarks, packaging, decoration, web design, advertising or product / service promotional materials.
In addition to the express consent granted hereunder of Article 2 of this Agreement, Hanyi Company has not granted Licensee or any third party (including the Client of Licensee) any information relating to Han Yi Character and License Forms (including computer software and Font art works), whether express or implied.
This is a copyrighted font file, unless you get permission, otherwise prohibit the use of business!
If you want to buy this font, contact the address here.
Download Link
**Click Here To Download**-
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