Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Hɑn Yi Cɑi Yun Ti Jiɑn
Font sample :
ubuntu chinese font
traditional chinese fonts for windows
Simplified Chinese : support
Traditional Chinese : Don’t support
Download Link
install chinese font
This is a Simplified Chinese font support, so your design is not suitable for Taiwan and Hong Kong use traditional characters of the region! You have a good choice.
Han yi Die yu Font
Han yi Jing shi ti Font-Simplified Chinese
Han yi Yan kai Font-Traditional Chinese
Han yi Butterfly Font
Han yi Baojian Song typeface Font
Han yi Jia shu ti Font-Traditional Chinese
Han yi Xi deng xian Font-Traditional Chinese
Han yi Xue feng ti Font-Traditional Chinese
Han yi Jia shu Font
Han yi Man bu ti Font-Traditional Chinese