Font Chinese name :
Chinese character name : 字体管家楷体
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Zi Ti Guan Jia Kai Ti
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Support
Traditional Chinese : Don’t Support
Font Format: .ttf
Download Link
**Click Here To Download**-
Tensentype Soap Bubbles Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
Zao zi Gong fang Wen Yan (non-commercial) conventional Font-Traditional Chinese
XiaoMi Lan Ting Light Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
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Lovely romantic journey Font-Simplified Chinese
Sweet love Font-Simplified Chinese
Zao Zi Gong Fang(Prohibition of commercial use) Literature Song (Ming) Typeface Chinese Fontt -Simplified Chinese Fonts
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Dear Sir
I was trying to download the Housekeeping Song ( Ming ) Chinese simplified font for my mac, but once it was down, I couldn’t open it. Is it for Mac? tks
Please unzip software installation