Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Ben Mo Qiang Hei
Chinese character name : 本墨锵黑
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Support
Traditional Chinese : Don’t Support
Font Format: .ttf
1. no one may copy, modify, copy, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, convert, translate or split the font library software;
2. no one may sell, lease, lend, gift, transfer, provide download and other means of distribution and dissemination;
3. no person shall provide this font library software and the fonts contained therein to any unauthorized third party;
4. unauthorized users can only be used in the following situations: trial before commercial application, public service project application, personal non-profit application.
Font description:
This font Chinese to national GB 2312 – 80 standard design and production, Chinese characters 6763, also contains 135 ascii commonly used characters.
Thank you for your support of the original font library.
Download Link
**Click Here To Download**-
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SourceHanSans-Bold Font(Google apple free open-source font)-Simplified Chinese-Traditional Chinese