Below are over 150+ Chinese Font logo design examples I mentioned earlier. Most of them are used for real companies, services, websites, organizations, events, etc, but there are plenty of ones created just for inspiration. Enjoy!
Chinese Creative Font Design-February Font Collection in Epidemic Situation
Chinese Creative Font Design-A group of handwriting brush fonts
44P Creative Chinese font logo design scheme #.652
‘Guang Zhong Neng’ China’s new energy company Logo-Chinese Logo design
13P Chinese traditional calligraphy brush calligraphy font style appreciation #.1149
14P Chinese traditional calligraphy brush calligraphy font style appreciation #.2118
108 Cool Chinese Font Style Designs That Will Truly Inspire You
17P Different styles of Chinese Loong(Dragon) design reference
240+ Cool Chinese Font Style Designs That Will Truly Inspire You #.35
25P Chinese traditional calligraphy brush calligraphy font style appreciation #.1272