Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Han Bao Bao Shou Ji Zi Ti
Simplified Chinese : Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
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Play cute fuck Font-Simplified Chinese
Tian shi Venus Font-Simplified Chinese
Take off&Good luck Writing brush calligraphy Regular Script Chinese Font – Traditional Chinese Fonts
Unusual but wonderful thinking stars Font-Simplified Chinese
Black roses (The round body) Font-Traditional Chinese-Simplified Chinese
HelloKitty Decorative pattern(Kitty-primitive)Font-Traditional Chinese
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Hua kang Ou yang xun Font-Traditional Chinese
Wonderful Leaves Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Deformation calligraphy Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese
I’ve download a bazillion fonts from this website and honestly just want to thank the admin for the high quality resources <3
Thank you for your encouragement
Hi is commercial use allowed for this font? If no can we purchase a license for it?
Sorry, the font comes from the internet, and the original author of the font cannot be found.