Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Teng Xiang Mian Bao Ti Fan
Chinese character name : 腾祥面包体繁
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
Font Format: .ttf
Style: Art Fonts, Handwriting Fonts
Design Date: This work was designed and completed in 2017
Font features: Childlike, cute,
Scope of application: Words for printing and characters for screen display
Font Code: GB12345-90
Font description: This paragraph is an art font. Distinctive style and outstanding features. The strokes are mellow, thick, and the thickness of the strokes complement each other. The structure is flexible, the whole word is simple, thick and smart. This work can be applied to the printing and publishing of children’s books, packaging design, advertising design, web design and so on.
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