Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : TT-JTC Dan Qi Xing Shu [Cai]
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
Font Format: .ttc
I think this is an elegant and artistic atmosphere of Chinese traditional characters, people generally have a noble character to write such a beautiful handwriting style.
Download Link
The Elves (Droid Sans Fallback) Font – Simplified Chinese
Horse in Fairy Tale World Cute Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Take off&Good luck New Kids Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Take off&Good luck Jia Li Slender Rounded Corners Font-Simplified Chinese
Full of flowers the Font-Simplified Chinese
Mini thorns Font-Simplified Chinese
Beautiful Rounded Corners Font-Simplified Chinese
Zoomla Pen(ZoomlaXiangJiao-A025) Pen Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
Zao Zi Gong Fang(Font manual mill) Elegant art Song (Ming) Typeface Chinese Font -Simplified Chinese Fonts
Sharp Prehistoric Power Bold Figure Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
I’ve downloaded two fonts, but both of them (including this one) lack the character 黑. It just appears as a blank space or in a non-font mode.
Please update!