Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Hu Jing Li Mao Bi Xing Shu Fan
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
Font Format: .ttf
Download Link
The same font with him here
JingLi Hu Ink Brush (Writing Brush) Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese
They are two difference is a simplified Chinese is a traditional Chinese font style, of course, in the use of the environment a lot of the above differences.
Free commercial! ZhanKu Senior Boldface Font Revision 1.13-Simplified Chinese
Interesting glue pudding(tangyuan) Font-Simplified Chinese
Senty Cream Puff Child handwriting Font-Simplified Chinese
Morning glory vine Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese Fonts
Bai zhou ji tai Kai shu jiao han Font-Traditional Chinese
Meng na Computer ti Font – Simplified Chinese
JingMing Guo Handwritten Pen Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese
Sharp slender Song Font-Simplified Chinese
Lan Sun Pen Handwriting Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
Zao Zi Gong Fang Hard Bold Figure Chinese Font(Normal Font) -Simplified Chinese
thank you for the fonts, but there are some words couldnt display, like “啟德郵輪碼頭” the only word can come out is the “德”, rest not displaying at all, and im using OSX10.9.5
how can i fix that, many thanks
You enter the Chinese is regular characters or simplified characters?
If it is a traditional character, replace it with a simplified one. If it is a simplified character, replace it with a traditional one.
Is it commercial free?
How can I usei it as commercial?
can I buy it?
I’m sorry! I am unable to contact the author!