Font Chinese name :金梅毛張楷
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t support
Traditional Chinese : support
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Jin Mei Wai yuan Individuality Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei Zhong hei Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei personality pen Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei Shuang gou gou Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei Te hei Spit tongue Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei Shining Art Designer Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei super boldface reflection Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei Gou ming Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei fly bomb Font-Traditional Chinese
Jin Mei Mei gong Po lie Font-Traditional Chinese
I love this font..
but when I wrote 皇冠燕窝 in microsoft word 2007,
the font didn’t work in this word “窝”
Because the Chinese characters is very much, so often appear incomplete font.
Usually only contains the common Chinese characters.