Font Chinese name :
Chinese character name : 字体管家细圆
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Zi Ti Guan Jia Xi Yuan
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Support
Traditional Chinese : Don’t Support
Font Format: .ttf
This is a very standard Chinese font style, so it is very suitable for use in text layout which, while its font width is very suitable for reading mode.
Download Link
**Click Here To Download**-
Meng na(MCuteHKS-Light)Font – Simplified Chinese
Literature and art Bold Figure Chinese Font-Simplified Chinese
Fruit ice cream Font-Simplified Chinese-Traditional Chinese
Little rabbit revolution Font-Simplified Chinese
ZhuLang (ZoomlaMusic-A029) Music symbols Cute Chinese Font-ZoomlaMusic-A029
Flying mouse cartoon Font-Simplified Chinese
Take off&Good luck New Kids Chinese Font-Traditional Chinese Fonts
Lovely rabbit diary Font-Simplified Chinese
Art pattern boldface Font-Simplified Chinese
Beautiful Art Running Script(Corn) Font-Simplified Chinese
I am from Korean package company designer.
I have some questions!
1) Can we use it commercially?
2) If we can use commercially, can we use it to creat BI or CI, such as logo or banners?
Sorry, without special instructions, the default is to prohibit any commercial behavior!