Font Chinese name :
Chinese Font Pinyin name : Teng Xiang Tong Xing Ti Fan
Chinese character name : 腾祥童行体繁
Font sample :
Simplified Chinese : Don’t Support
Traditional Chinese : Support
Font Format: .ttf
Style: Art, handwriting
Design Date: This work was designed and produced in 2017
Font features: childish, smooth, writing innocence
Scope of application: printing words, screen display words
Font Code: GB12345-90
Font description:. This type of character has a distinctive style of fine art. The characteristics highlight the moderate thickness of the stroke and its patchwork. Moderate whiteness between strokes and strokes creates overlap and makes the font look more clear, and enhances the readability of the structure. However, there are certain rules. Skew strokes are based on the coordination between strokes and strokes. The whole paragraph is full of childishness, lively and lovely. This work can be applied to the printing and publishing of children’s books, packaging design, advertising design, web design, etc.
Tensentype Fairy Tale Art Chinese Font – Simplified Chinese Fonts
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